Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It is possible.

"The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." -Ayn Rand

Ever look in the mirror and wonder who is staring back at you? This person you don't quite recognize anymore? You see glimmers of who you think you are... hidden by pride, ego, and the walls you put up to protect yourself from rejection and pain. I took a good, hard look in the mirror yesterday. I examined all the sides of me: the silly, the serious, the vulnerable, the short-temper, the forgiving, the confident, the insecure, the hard-ass, the mother hen. All parts that when combined make the face you see every day. I am all these and more.

We all wish to make changes in our life. I have been trying to for over a year. I was doing ok... I started taking yoga and running a bit more and lost 30lbs. But, I was given an amazing opportunity to do so 2 months ago when I was promoted and moved to a new city. Here it was: new city, new job, new life. All I did was slip back in to old habits. I sit here surrounded by boxes... unorganized and cluttered. Do I take the time to try and find some balance? Nope, too tired/busy/sick... fill in your preferred excuse. I was excited to start eating better and working out more. Did I? No. I will be honest that the demands of my new position did take me by surprise and I have been doing my best to stay afloat.

But 2 months is enough time. I have found my professional footing... and now need to focus on me.

I have many goals set for myself.
My biggest one is to run the Auckland Marathon in New Zealand in October 2013. I am running to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and my goal is to raise $15,000. I have 12 months & 3 days. It is more than possible. Every time I think I'm too tired to run, I just have to remember my close friends who have MS... those who are too exhausted sometimes to even do the simplest daily tasks, the ones I take for granted... and shut my mouth, lace up my trainers and just go.

Another goal is to get back into my yoga practice. I have let it drop off these past 5 months and I miss it horribly. I am at peace when I practice. I am a better person when I practice. During my trip to New Zealand, my biggest Yoga goal is to hike to the top of Mitre Peak
and do this pose:

 Its time for me to quit making excuses, take charge and win the life and world I want.

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